2024 Group Mentoring Package
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Here are all the products that are included in your bundle.
New Releases
New Releases
Exploring how the eclipses work with natal charts and transits. This group mentoring will also explore the meaning and intent of transits and timeline cycles of the Lunar Nodes and relationship between the nodal cycles and eclipse seasons
New Releases
Exploring how the eclipses work with natal charts and transits. This group mentoring will also explore the meaning and intent of transits and timeline cycles of the Lunar Nodes and relationship between the nodal cycles and eclipse seasons
New Releases
Uranus stations retrograde on September 1 at 27Taurus15. On the same day, Pluto reenters Capricorn for the last time in 248 years! In this session we will explore the initiatory processes of these powerful agents of the Upper and Lower World.
New Releases
This group mentoring explores the fascinating and useful ways Jupiter and Saturn can relate with each other. Natal aspects between Jupiter and Saturn will be interpreted.
With Jupiter about to move into Gemini on May 25, the focus of this month’s group mentoring will be on Gemini. Transits through Gemini, planets in Gemini, Gemini complexes, Gemini on the angles, and storylines that include Gemini can all be included.