Highlight Seminars: Men’s Challenges at The Turning of The Ages
CourseThis seminar will include: · Understanding the Full Spectrum of the Masculine · Men’s relationship issues · The Inner Sacred Marriage Process · The Nature of Yin and Yang · and an approach to discovering what masculinity actually is.
Group Mentoring - The Lunar Nodes and Eclipses- October 2024
CourseExploring how the eclipses work with natal charts and transits. This group mentoring will also explore the meaning and intent of transits and timeline cycles of the Lunar Nodes and relationship between the nodal cycles and eclipse seasons
Group Mentoring - Focus on Pluto and Uranus - September 2024
CourseUranus stations retrograde on September 1 at 27Taurus15. On the same day, Pluto reenters Capricorn for the last time in 248 years! In this session we will explore the initiatory processes of these powerful agents of the Upper and Lower World.
Highlight Seminar: Grief
CourseWith Neptune in the last degree of Pisces and Saturn also nearing the end of its time in Pisces, it is timely to explore the astrology of grief, both personal and collective. At the end of Kali Yuga there is much that requires grieving.
Course 4 Cosmology: Navigating the Night Sky
CourseIn this newly revised and fully updated advanced astrology course taught by Daniel and astronomy maestro Gemini Brett, you’ll learn how the sky works and will align with how our lives fit into the larger cycles of time and the turning of the ages.
The Journey of Inanna Revisioned with Mars! "The Ascending journey"