Webinar Details

Recorded July 9, 2021

From June 26th-July 30th Venus and Mars are within 10degrees of each other, and exactly conjunct at 19Leo48 on July 13th.  The day before, on July 12th, the Moon will conjunct both Venus and Mars.  The Lunar conjunction with Venus is the third chakra gate of the evening star phase of the Gemini synodic overtone, and the Moon’s conjunction with Mars is his 8th conjunction in Phase two of the Aries synodic overtone.  Each of these conjunctions are quite important within their individual initiatory processes.  But this evening star configuration with the Moon is really unique and is a major flashpoint in the larger relationship between Venus and Mars.  This situation can only happen every 6 and a half years.  We call it the Rapunzel and Dumuzi Saga.

Daniel and Erik have been hosting teleclasses and seminars on the Mars cycle for many years now.  Join them as they explore the significance of the larger pattern of the interaction of Venus and Mars, a pattern referred to the Venus and Mars sagas.  This is one of the most unique and original contributions of the Shamanic Astrology Paradigm™, and is hugely helpful in these challenging times of great planetary change at a rare junction point in the greater Turning of the Ages.  It is particularly helpful with regards to relationships, the confusions occurring around sex and gender, and the offering of a potential solution: the inner sacred marriage process.