Webinar Details

Recorded December 7, 2022

For many years, all the way back to Jupiter in Cancer, the school has had yearly webinars on the
movements of the “year star,” Jupiter, through the signs. Jupiter ingressed Aries temporarily May 10,
2022 before retrograding back into Pisces. The second and final ingress into Aries will happen
December 20, 2022. Jupiter will then remain in Aries until May 16, 2023.

In this webinar, Daniel and Erik will explore the implications and intent of world dharma indicator-Jupiter in the Aries
Mystery School of Life. The past history of Jupiter in Aries will be covered. The purpose of the planet
Jupiter and the sign of Aries will be expanded upon. Personal chart questions will also be considered:
transits, natal complexes, and especially Jupiter returns.